big head

Monday, May 23, 2016

Maybe sorry will never be enough

A father is a hero too his daughter.
Even if he's so much less than more.

A father is a king for his daughter.
even if he's acting like a douchebag.

Sorry my little princess...
You are the brightest star of my heart
The one that filled me with joy
The one that I pray for.

I'm sorry that i'm not a hero,
Not a man that you can rely,
A failure.

be happy, be strong my little princess

Daddy love You.

Saturday, May 21, 2016


Batas hati sudah terkoyak
Janji pada diri terlampaui
Menyerah akibat rasa dalam jiwa
Nyala api  yang berkobar gagah dari hati
melahap habis kedip lemah sinyal akal sehat.

Di sudut ini aku meringkuk.

Di sudut sana aku melonjak.

Di tengah aku diam.