big head

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Thank you for loving me.

I almost forget this feeling
when you're loving and be loved
once i quote from Tauriel,
"if this is love, then please take it away from me."
well, this time, if this is love,
then please don't let it slip away.

I write this for You.
the one that I adore.
The relativity theory about time is very2 works when i'm spending it with you.
I dont know how many hours that we've spent together. But it feels fast dan never enough.

I like the sound of your name,
the wrinkle on your nose everytime you laugh
the way you move at the club
the way you pop the methol ball on your cigarettes
When you're changing minds every 5 seconds.
Your pensieve face when you're reading a novel
I like the way you talk dirty
and the taste of your lips
that scent on your neck
the sweet smell of your hair
how you said i'm cool
how you walk
even your loud and embarassing laugh.

the list will keep on going.

I will play my part and dont wanna think about the future.
Right now i just wanna love you and enjoy every moment that i can spent with you.
I dont know how long we can walk this beautiful path together,

All I know is i just want to be with you.

Thursday, June 02, 2016

My problem is not yours.

Ini terbalik ga? Kebahagiaan itu untuk dibagi, kesusahan buat diri sendiri aja. Atau gimana? Gw, kesusahan adalah buat gw sendiri. Gw ga mau orang liat klo gw lagi susah. Pencitraan? Bukan. Soalnya gw klo lg susah atau lagi in a very2 deep shit, jadi rese. Ga enak kan lg rese trus deket2 orang.. apalagi orang2 yg akrab. Lebih nyaman buat gw sendirian. Nikmatin susah sendiri.

Mungkin buat orang2 yg care sama gw (dan gw bersyukur masih ada), mereka akan nanya2 kenapa? Gw bukan type orang yg bisa bertopeng kemana2, keliatan deh pasti. Dan gw cuma bisa share masalah itu sama orang yg bener2 gw percaya dan nyaman. Klo gw lg dlm masalah, gw akan menjauh. Bukan berarti gw musuhin semua orang, tp karakter gw mungkin yg lebih nyaman sendiri.

Gw juga bukan type orang yg dikit2 nyendiri sih, kecuali masalahnya udah bener2 gila dan mungkin ga semua orang bisa punya kesempatan buat ngalamin. Ya orang2 baik ga akan ngalamin.. masalah datang karena kita sendiri yg buat. Prinsip gw, gw ga akan nyeret2 orang ke dlm masalah gw.. nambah2in beban orang aja, kaya mereka ga punya hal laen buat diurusin. Terutamanya, orang2 yg gw sayang dan nyaman, gw malah nyampah ke mereka. Ga.. ga akan lagi.

Gw cuma bisa ngarep, begitu masalah gw kelar, dan gw balik lg jd gw yg biasanya, orang2 akan bisa nerima gw balik lagi. Semua masalah pasti akan ada ujungnya koq. Entah berujung baik ataupun berujung kehancuran, tp pasti ada saatnya itu berenti, cepat atau lambat.

Just like marilyn monroe said: "if you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."